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Very fun game ! It's great to be Slender and to scare the others XD I really enjoyed to play this game !

GAMEPLAY in French


Hey very fun game! maybe make a mutiplayer?

I have made a multiplayer game on steam called Untitled Ghost Game :))

Nice! ill make sure to check that out! also I sub 2 ur channel it really funny and i also did not know you were the creator of the Rural Blackout game! very fun!


w h a t

hello there


I love this game jam!
When I saw this title, had to check it out!
Enjoyed how silly it was, easy to play.
Was working to that high score and then found the note for the high scores.

Good Job Dubscr!

This, IS the BEST Slender MAN game EVER

I'm going to publish a video about this game on YouTube soon :3 its so funny

What I noticed is how the movement of Slenderman is quite similar to another unity horror game which I have played in the past.

Something that made me laugh is how the "adults" sound like when they get killed xD

Anyways, this is a great game. And the browser version worked so well, I had lots of fps and didn't have troubles playing at all.

Thanks for playing!


No worries :3

Do you plan on making more games with this amount of "fun"?

lol I hope so


Nice :D

Because I certainly found this game perfect-

I even managed to get it running on a Google Nest Hub, don't ask why xd


I loved it so much!


Your game starts at 06:13. Great experience! It felt like we got to be Slender Man. The note stealing goons looked funny sneaking around as they would be. Giving the ability to redraw the notes was a smart move and kept the game from ending quickly. Keep up the good work.

nice idea


I would have got all my pages ready for my cookbook "Cooking Staying Slender By Slenderman" if it weren't for those meddling kids stealing my papers!